Thursday, 3 April 2014

Night skin care routine

We all know we should wash our face at night and remove any makeup before going to bed. But did you know your nighttime routine can affect how your skin looks the next day?

The benefits of a night skin care routine include improving skin tone and color, reducing skin blemishes, and hydrating and rejuvenating the skin. Establishing a night skin care routine will allow the skin to breathe, heal, and restore to a healthy young glow. 

Here is the basic 4-step skincare regime which will help you glow. The products are all natural, organic and home-made.           

Step 1: Cleansing
 If you wear make up, the first step is to use a quality make-up remover to remove make up. You can use the oil based serum here which gently removes make-up. To cleanse face gently massage cleanser into the skin. Wash your face and neck with warm water and rinse off thoroughly. Here's more about the product Cleanser

Step 2: Exfoliate
 It is recommended that you use an exfoliator that will penetrate deeper and help remove blackheads. You should exfoliate only 1-2 times a week; more often can dry your skin. Here's more about the product  Exfoliator

Step 3: Tone
 Using an alcohol free toner will help restore the pH of the skin and remove any remaining oils and makeup. It also helps in minimizing the pore size and making the skin tone even. One can moisten a cotton ball and gently pat the toner over the face and neck.  Here's more about the product Toner.

Step 4: Moisturize
 When you wash your face, you wash away essential oils and moisturizing your skin helps replenish it. Take an extra couple minutes and use a deep moisturizer on the extra dry areas of your body, such as elbows, knees, heels, hands and feet. An all natural serum is a good choice because they do not contain any chemicals or harsh additives. Using serum helps protect collagen, reduce redness and discoloration, and reduces age spots, fine lines, brown spots, and wrinkles Both serums and moisturizers help bring new cells to the surface revealing a smoother and softer complexion. Here's more about the product Serum

Establishing a nightly skin care routine will only take about five minutes of your time.  By implementing a nightly care routine, your skin will maintain a youthful appearance longer as well as staying smooth, soft, clear, and most importantly, healthy.


  1. Could you please let me know, how I could buy your products.
    You can mail me at


  2. How can i buy your products ? i need moisturizer & Exfoliator, i have dry skin and dark complexion.
